Daily Meditation

from Peaceful Living
by Mary Mackenzie

Until you make peace with who you are, you’ll never be content with what you have.
–Doris Mortman

Day 151: Clarifying What You Value

Make a clear, conscious decision about what’s important to you, and then live from that place.

I used to strive to be liked. I measured my success by other people’s opinions of me. I was in pain for years using this strategy. If someone didn’t like me, I felt bad and I tried to be the kind of person they wanted me to be. If someone didn’t want to spend time with me, I was certain it was because I wasn’t a likeable person.

It did not occur to me to clarify my own values and to live from them. For instance, I value authenticity so I began to speak up when something was important to me, rather than keep quiet so that people would like me.

Once I truly understood what was important to me, I began to live more peacefully. Sometimes people still don’t like me, but I know that if I act in harmony with my values, I can be at peace even in the face of conflict.

Live from your values today.

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Here is a link to the book, Peaceful Living. It makes a wonderful gift for yourself, friends, colleagues, or loved ones.

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