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“Feedback is often one of the most problematic pieces of communication.”


Workplace Communication Tip -- Week 43

Tell Me How You Really Feel

“In workplace evaluations, feedback often takes on a higher level of importance without a corresponding increase in its clarity or usefulness,” says Ike Lasater, author of Words That Work In Business.

In many cases, we’re restricted in how we give feedback because of the process or format our workplace requires us to follow — such as a rating or checkbox type of system. We might find ourselves caught in a cycle of communicating judgments, with no direct tie to specific behavior.

Regardless of the system you’re required to use, you can create more meaningful feedback by using the tools of NVC, including tying feedback to a specific observation, and what needs were met or not met in the process.

In this case a low rating on the teamwork scale could be augmented with an observation and link to needs, such as specific observations you’ve had of the quality of work relationships, communication, or productivity you’ve observed as they’ve worked in a group. In this manner, the individual has context for the rating you’ve given them, and how their own behavior compared to your expectations, your needs, and those of the rest of the workplace team.


Mindful Practice for the Week

Think of someone you give feedback to or receive feedback from. How might you clarify the feedback using the distinctions of NVC?


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